Corinthian Installation 2015
Corinthian Mark Lodge No 1052, held their installation meeting at Liverpool Masonic Hall on Thursday 22nd October.  The Provincial Grand Master’s representative for the installation was W. Bro Anthony Cross, Prov. G.J.W.

W.Bro Stewart Hyde and W.Bro Davis Crowley

After the salutations had been carried out; W. Bro Mike Winterbottom P.G.A.D.C took the Junior Wardens chair for the ceremony of installation.  The Worshipful Master, W.Bro Stewart Hyde then installed his successor W. Bro David Crowley into the chair in fine fashion. The presentation of the Keystone Jewel was given by W.Bro James Kontzle P.Prov.G.Insp of Wks.   The Worshipful Master then invested his officers and it was nice to see three junior members taking the three overseers chairs.  W.Bro. Chris Walls Prov. I.G. gave an excellent address to the Worshipful Master.  This was followed by equally excellent address to the Wardens by W.Bro. Andrew Whittle Prov. G.S.W, with W.Bro Steve Walls A.G.D.C, Prov A.G.D.C giving the address to the Overseers.  W. Bro Anthony Cross, Prov. G.J.W., rounded off the addresses with the address to the Brethren.   When passing on the congratulations of the PGM to the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Cross said that if the PGM had been attendance he would not have failed to congratulate the Installing Master for an excellent ceremony which had been done with aplomb. This sentiment was echoed by all in attendance.
Andy Whittle; Stewart Hyde; Tony Cross; David Crowley; Mike Winterbottom
After the ceremony the brethren retired to enjoy a first class festive board.  During the festive board The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master (craft) Brother James Anthony Harrison (who was attending another meeting in the building), called in to give his congratulations to the Worshipful Master and to take wine with the assembled brethren. He was accompanied by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master Mark Dimelow P.S.G.D and the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Keith Kemp.
In all a fine night was had by all and hopefully with some new candidates joining Corinthian Mark the Worshipful Master will have a busy year.

Story and Photographs Courtesy of Derek Gaskell